What frequency do you recommend for sending review requests to customers?

Finding the right balance between getting reviews and not overwhelming your customers is key. Here's our suggested starting point and how to customize it:

Default Settings:

To get you started, your ReviewSpike account automatically sends two review requests:

  • First Request: 30 minutes after a customer's visit
  • Second Request: 3 days after the visit (if they haven't already left a review)

How to Change the Settings:


  1. Locate the Main Menu: On the left side of your screen, find the main navigation menu.
  2. Select 'Settings': Click on the "Settings" option in the menu.
  3. Find 'Review Reminders': In the Settings section, choose "Review Reminders."
  4. Customize Intervals: Adjust the review request timings to your preference.


  1. Access the Menu: Tap the menu icon (usually located in the top right corner).
  2. Select 'Settings': Choose the "Settings" option from the menu.
  3. Find 'Review Reminders': Locate "Review Reminders" within the Settings section.
  4. Customize Intervals: Modify the review request timings as needed.

Important Considerations

  • Timing Matters: The best time to ask is when the customer's experience is still fresh.
  • Don't Overdo It: We limit the maximum requests to 3 (via SMS & Email) to avoid spamming customers. This protects your brand reputation.
  • Industry Matters: The ideal frequency may vary slightly based on your industry. Experiment to find what works best!


  • Start with the Default: Test how the initial settings perform.
  • Test and Adjust: Monitor your results and adjust the timings to find what gets you the most positive reviews.
  • Customer Experience First: If customer feedback suggests your requests are too frequent, reduce them accordingly.
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